Jul 18, 2017



"THE ビッグオー" シーズンワン視聴済。
"THE BIG O " Season One watched.

· Although it was a work that was interesting when it was seen more than 10 years ago, I was surprised to remember most scenes.

· Amadeus, cool.

 ·Dorothy, it looks like a tsundere.

・"鉄腕アトム"の世界最後の大戦(?)辺りの系譜なのか? "WATCH MAN"にはアマデウスとか廃退的なロボットたちとか出てこなかったし、アベンジャーズとかにもいなかったから、物語系譜がよく分からない。

· I felt that the dark-tone American cheeks made me feel like moving well.
· Characteristic usage of solid. I use it boldly.
· Is it genealogy around the world of the world's last great warfare "Astro Boy"? In "WATCH MAN", Amadeus and the disappointing robots did not come out, and because they were not in Avengers or anything else, I do not know the story lineage well.
· I remembered animation "panties & stockings".
· I like sardines! (Especially Angel)


"WWE RAW 17/7/17"視聴済。
"WWE RAW 17/7/17" watched.

・相変わらずのアキラ・トザワ押し。金メダリストに体格で負けてるのに勝てる方法が無いじゃんって おもたー。
- No way Brown Strawman,
Roman + Samoa · Joe's sinking end two people.
· As usual Akira · Torzawa pushed. It is a gold medalist who is defeated by the physique and there is no way to overcome it.
· Commentary is involved in the story, development of mystery progresses.

· As ever, it is a fin barrel that is cut off.

・ふつうにビックショーが7FOOTビックガイに負けてて わろた。こっちの路線で進んでくわけだ。
· Bailey and a good friend. It really seems to be friends even in private life.
· Big show was ordinarily lost by 7FOOT big guy. We will move on this route.

· The suit in John Sina was cool! It is!



ハリウッド版"Ghost in the shell"視聴済。
Hollywood version "Ghost in the shell" watched.

・ビートたけしが日本語喋ってると、いつボケやるのかな? どの瞬間にコマネチやりだすのかな?? って、基本世界観がぶち壊しだった。
・Geisha(ゲイシャ)好きすぎw どんだけまちなかのゲイシャ広告率高いのww

· Works with IQ 115 or more as the target layer
· Beat Takeshi Aramaki was doing the section chief, and Major Kusanagi received instructions, something surreal and laughing.
· When Beat Takeshi is speaking Japanese, when are you going to be blurred? At what moment will she do comakini? Is it? The basic world view was destroyed.
At least, I should have talked English to Beat Takeshi.
· Geisha (Geisha) I like it too much w wish the community advertisement rate w w
· Japanese is mixed well. Cocktail.
· Music beauty and image beauty.
· Overall Hollywood makes it too plain. Major Daiguchi is also trying hard, not looking good. ⇒ At least I wanted Tachikoma or a bee (helicopter like helicopter) to put out and to have a long shot, and to insert a distant view into the battle scene.

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