Jul 20, 2017



"謎の独立国家ソマリランド" 読了
Read "Mysterious Independent State Somaliland"
· Read over 80% or more of the text and read it in less than 3 hours.

・最近気になってた早稲田大学探検部出身の高野さんの作品。たまたま本屋うろついてたら目に入ったから、手に入れて つい一気読みしてしまった。
· A work of Takano who was born recently from the Waseda University exploration department. I happened to hang around at the bookstore and I got into my eyes, so I got it and read it all at once.
· 500 pages in a paperback book with a violent thickness.

・ソマリアには、諸国が分立して、まったく違う特色があります。"リアル北斗の拳" "海賊ランド" "平和な民主主義国家"とか。
・ソマリランドのソマリ人は、ADHD的な人たちだと思った。そもそも遊牧民族だし、都市生活に遊牧民族の暮らし持ち込んでるから。自分とそっくりの人たちが大勢いて笑ったw たぶん、自分が行くと すっごい暮らしやすいんだろうな。
· In Somalia, countries are divided and there are completely different features. "Real Fist of the North Star", "Pirate Land", "Peaceful Democracy".
· This work is a story in Somalia (originally in the world) a strange "peaceful democracy" of the country "Somaliland" and the author Kawano Takano hits directly to neighboring countries, making a bond and returning to Japan.
· Somaliland is safe for security, even foreigners and women can go out alone at night.
Somaliland has developed democracy, and the ruling coalition and the opposition party can change their power regime with election alone and can achieve bloodless.
· I thought that Somali Somali people are ADHD-like people. It is a nomadic tribe in the first place, because it brings the lives of nomadic people to city life. I laughed with lots of people who looked exactly like w. Maybe it would be easy for me to go live a lot when I go.
· "Cart banquet (※)", I would like to do .............

※"カート宴会" ⇒ ソマリランドのソマリ人は午前だけ働いて、午後はずっと"カート宴会"をやります。カートは植物です。市場とか露天で買って、水やコーラをつまみに、宴会開いて ひたすらカートを嗜みます。イスラムの水タバコとか に近いのかも知んない。高揚感と自己開放感、集中力の向上があるみたいです。)
※ "Banquet" ⇒ Somali Somali people work only in the morning, we will do a "cart party" all afternoon. The cart is a plant. Buy it on the market or outdoor, pick up water and cola, pick up a banquet and pretend to be a cart. I do not even know whether it is close to Islamic water cigarettes. It seems there is enhancement of exhilaration, self-opening feeling, concentration. )

· It was very funny as usual. Know the world I did not know!
(Especially the estimate when I asked for pirates, it was a shock!
· "Flush the murder 's blood with amniotic fluid in delivery".
--- Contract with the blood, its strength, I want to learn.


"バキ道17" 読了
Read "Baki Road 17"
· Even if I carefully follow every character, I read in about 12 minutes.

・放水は、日本刀で切れますね? 「拙者に切れないものなど、ない」……あれ? なんでも切っちゃう人……??
· I was surprised to see that reading speed was about 40% higher than when reading the previous volume.
· Can you drain the water with a Japanese sword? "There are not things I can not afford" ... ... that one? A person who cuts anything ...? Is it?



"Gamblers do not pray" read.

・流しで読んで、20分くらい。ストーリーロジックとキャラクター心情 把握。また、シリーズ化の際の物語構成の最終巻到達(8巻or12巻)までの予想も終了。
· Reading with a sink, about 20 minutes. Story logic and grasping character feelings. Also, the forecast for the final volume arrival (8 volumes or 12 volumes) of the narrative composition at the time of series formation is also over.

・主人公の賭博師のやる気のない心情の地の文が、始終 鼻について読んでいる間中イライラしていた。ジャンプのジンクスで、[ やる気のない主人公の作品はヒットしない ]というのを見に染みた。
・アマゾンレビューみると、ちょくちょくファンついてるみたいだけど、ラノベで奴隷モノやるなら、もうちょっと お色気サービスシーン入れてもいいのかな? とか なろう中毒者は思ってみたりした。
· When I got a slave girl, the last game was blackjack, so I could read the expansion and the story was harmoniously planned at the beginning and the end. I did not feel interesting.
· The sentences of the empathetic feelings of the hero's gaming teacher were irritated while reading about the nose all the while. In jumping jinxes, I saw that I saw [a motivated hero's work does not hit].
· It seems to be good for series items. It feels like traveling in Keno. It goes around a lot.
· The picture is old. I feel like the picture of the latest Dengeki Bunko three to five years ago.
· Looking at the Amazon review, it seems that the fans are constantly fans, but if you do slave things at Light_nobel, is it okay to put a little bit of a cheerful service scene? The poisonous "NAROU" thought.

・まあでも、[ なろう ]路線とは別軸で頑張ってる電撃文庫だから、このまま近年は硬派の路線で行くっぽいね。もし完全に萌え絵付けられない一般文芸来たら"図書館戦争"みたいに売り出せばいいだけだし ね??
· Well, but, because it is a Dengeki Bunko that is trying hard on a different axis from the [route] line, it seems like it will go on a crazy line in recent years as it is. If general literary art that can not be painted completely is sold out just like a "library war", is not it? Is it?

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