Mar 20, 2017

Because ADHD and the disease of the mind of the developmental disorder system are also (although it is also Uz), since it is a matter of mind from the third party apparently because it is seriously injured to the soul or even if there is a severe disability, People of the same kind] or principals have no choice but to cope.

Sakamoto Miki is the same type of ADHD person as us.
(Sorry for Japanese only!)

Since there was a trial reading ♪ from here

Mr.Daisuke Suzuki of Rupo writer started the series with ADHD's wife's story, so I will introduce that too.
Suzuki Daisuke is quite loved by the editors of 【Gendai Business】.
【42 years old "After the brain has broken" after the reporter's writer ~ until I accept disability】
The article's guidance says that it has been on the top page for a long time.

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Daisuke Suzuki of Rupo Writer, who was 41 years old and collapsed with a cerebral infarction, but after a hard rehabilitation she returned to the scene. An article depicting the process until Ms. Suzuki accepts a higher brain disorder has received great reaction.

Quote: http: //
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Apparently it sounded like a big echo?
First of all, we realized that our developmental disability is due to my [ADHD] happened to follow the poverty situation of contemporary Japan for the future prediction (Daisuke Suzuki is a reporter who is poor side! ),
Read Daisuke Suzuki's wife

  •  Life from high school
  •  I have been told by my parents that "You can do it if you do it" but inferior students
  •  Extensive range of interest
  •  Excellent ability to concentrate on what you are interested in (abnormal level)
  •  Distracted attention at a level that people can not send everyday life

And there are many things in common with them, Suzuki says that "my wife is a developmental disorder".

Perhaps they can not do so well so far, maybe they have the same attributes as Mr. Suzuki's wife? Is it?
I thought that developmental disorders were often examined

  • Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD)
  • Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Learning difficulties (LD)

As a result, I found out that I am ADHD with Aspe tendency and since then I have focused on accurately grasping their characteristics and specializing their abilities.
As a sense, it is allocation such as Asper 30% · ADHD 70%.

I will give you my characteristics

· I can not make human conversation with other people, such as a joke. I can not understand the necessity. (It can be done as an instruction of work or a reasonable conversation judged necessary)

· I do not feel any pain at all without being involved with others
(I feel comfortable to stay alone without talking with anyone all day)

· No friends, no human relationship to talk on everyday. Only work and shopping talk with others.

· Basic conversations and exchanges with others
(I like the conversation of myself (intrinsic personality) in the body ♪)

· There are many scenes where native Japanese is felt in different languages
(On the contrary, it shows very high aptitude with regard to mastering a foreign language)

· If you are suddenly spoken to without preparing your mind while you are immersed in work, you can catch only the lump of meaningless sound, it is impossible to judge the content

· I feel a heavy pain in doing things other than those judged rationally and useful.
(We think that this is Aspe trend)

· Waiting without doing anything is severely painful or impossible (a powerful characteristic of ADHD)

· Monotonous work that does not do anything except decided action involves significant discomfort and pain, and it is extremely difficult to continue working. (Sorting of delivery and logistics system)

· Since all the sounds entering the ear are processed at the same time without filtering, it is impossible to concentrate like a common person to the task before the eyes unless their abilities are high (From the experience of observing the general public, It requires 4 to 5 times the processing power of a person)

· Even if it is five seconds before, I do not know what I was doing without depending on rational judgment (It takes a huge amount of labor and mental power to remember the most recent memory, but even so Often I can not remember)

· Long-term memory is outstanding, never forget what I remember once.
(It is possible to call the contents of books read in the past one by one, depending on the degree of comprehension at the time)

I do not know well the concept of [ordinary person].
As the above characteristics I mentioned are [ordinary] for them, I do not quite understand how [the general public] feels [this world].
We understand and understand the situation that we are heresy to the extent that it is essential to accurately grasp their characteristics and adjust the ability to modern society.

High evaluation as ADHD's special medicine is not routinely used.

· [How accurately can you understand your characteristics]
· [How useful can you improve your characteristics]

We have focused on, and since we knew that we are [ADHD], we have continued our coordination and capacity building efforts.
(Basically I do not trust a race called a psychiatrist!)

As a result, I realize that the ability (spec) as a social single person has dramatically improved.
Life has been impossible for so long until a couple of years ago, but now I feel a sense of using cheat on Nullue. To be honest, I wanted this ability around 3 inside which it was completely finished with Utsu and gentle abuse ... ....

With high spec now,

· Aim for a big richer
· As a 3DCG creator, make animated cartoon figures and acquire skills to make quiet videos against Hollywood
· Extreme network hacking
· I will learn about 1 new language per year unchanged (This year is the year of Arabic!), I will serve to expand the level of existing acquisition language
· Creation of a highly practical new language

There is only thing to do.
From the characteristics of ourselves, we can give results in a frank manner in these fields, and in a few years we will be able to achieve great results.
On the contrary, other things are too much and there is no interest or aptitude so even if it took over 10 years, we can not produce any achievement at all.

It is a new worry recently that you feel boring as soon as you are not seriously demonstrating 100% capacity!

By doing so, a lovely apple pie.
If you cheat in life happily soon, are you are going to meet at good life event or stuff?

From here we will help you make your life wonderful, will you be late for a while?

Thank you!


ADHDとか発達障害系の心の病気は(ウツもそうだけれど)、第三者から見ると心の問題だから明らかに魂に重傷負ってたり重度の障害あったとしてもまったく分からないから、ほんとうに[ 同じ種類の人間 ]か本人が対処するしかない。




そもそも私達がじぶんの[ ADHD ]で発達障害持ちであることに気付いたのは たまたま未来予測のために現代日本の貧困事情を追っていて(鈴木大介さんは貧困方面のルポライターさんなのです!)、




があり、結果として自分はアスペ傾向があるADHDであることが判明し、それ以降 自分たちの特性を正確に把握し能力を特化させることに注力してきました。


・耳に入るすべての音をフィルター無くすべて同時に処理するので、能力が高くないと目の前のタスクに一般人らしく集中することが出来ない(一般人を観察してきた経験から、感覚としては通常 市井の人の4~5倍の処理能力を必要とする)

[ 普通の人 ]という概念が私たちにはよく分からないのですが。
今挙げた上の特性が自分たちにとっては[ 普通 ]のことなので、[ 一般の人 ]がどのように【 この世界 】を感じているのか、というのがよく分からないのですが。
自分たちの特性を正確に把握し 現代社会に能力を調整することが必須になる程度には、自分達は異端であるのだとは状況判断・理解をしております。

ADHDの特効薬として評価が高い[ コンサータ ]は常用しておりません。

・[ どれだけ正確に自分の特性を理解できるか ]
・[ どれだけ有用に自分の特性を向上できるか ]

に焦点を絞って、今まで自分たちが[ ADHD ]であると知ってから、調整と能力向上企図を続けてまいりました。

人生は数年前まではあれだけ無理ゲーだったのに、今はヌルゲーでチート使ってる感覚をよくかんじます。正直、ウツと優しい虐待で完全終了してた中3辺りに この能力は欲しかったですね……。








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