Mar 20, 2017


【Urgent Transmission:Items to Major Depressive Disorder in Your Life Crisis】

· Depression is a friend
· "Weight" is a person with a weight equal to that of you entering into your mind 's body, because I feel Molo the weight of one person' s soul whole.

So, how can you get away from the pain of "humor"?

· Death is saving
· But, feeling "another person" who accidentally got into the instrument of your mind, exactly the same amount · same quality "suffering" · "painful" as you feel I want you to know that you are suffering.

· I want you to know that "Heavily" you feel is also the weight of your own soul and is "Heavily" which is giving this moment to "Another Person" now.
(Each other has their own footing.)

So how can we get out of this unreliable situation with this reality?

- Accepting "weight" of "partner". Accepting "the pain where others are in", "forgive".
· Feeling the existence of the soul of "Mr.", starting dialogue of the heart, repeated dialogue, understanding exactly the existence of "Mr."

Even if it is told, it is likely to be eaten by my soul, Utsu no Kemono, today?
(Reason / Self, Baked ??)

· The soul of your "maternity" is basically the same composition as yourself, but as expected it is suddenly asymptotically unexplained, just as it has gone into the body of our hearts where gaps were created at the big life event of my life Although it is backwardly compatible, it has a divine attribute (we were accustomed to "God Specie""神種" ⇒”かみしゅ” "Kamishu" in Japanese,"G/S" in English??)
· Let's accept, with a personality of multiple personality (dissociative same disorder) personality integrated. All right, the thing that I want to keep the most is passed down to the integrated personality.
(The authors have already experienced)

After Utsu's "eating event", it became a nostalgia of a life-like insensible / non-feeling like "philosophical zombie"?

· It reminds me of the time signature that I made, and the human emotional function revives. Currently the "function" of "Depression Beast(D/B)" is in a state of reckless runaway and uprooted his emotions. When there are no more to eat, "Depression Beast(D/B)" will calm down. Let 's grasp the function of "Depression Beast(D/B)" at a certain time.
· Let's better understand the influence of "personality integration" with "partner". The neighborhood is vastly different from here. It seems that the result changes with the characteristics of the soul as expected.

Example)  In our(writers are "Yuu"&"Kuro") case once integrated through «eating function» of "Depression Beast(D/B)" ⇒ ⇒ After that the "mind of the heart" was expanded and the personality rebranched (now "Kuu" and "Yuu"). Perhaps it was the optimal solution, was not it? Since I have been having a relationship for 12 years, it seems to be insanely stable.
As a sensation, it is "Imaginary Friend" which can talk in real time rather than dissociation same disorder (multiple personality) when communication can not be made or mutual recognition can be realized, the existence of the partner is firm in the long term "Personality change "Is carried out as necessary.

· Since the area here is case by case, it is nice if you find your ideal way? Is it?

Conclusion: Even from the bottom of major depression (a state in which the body can not move a single fingertip perfectly), even if it is about the difficulty level of this world it can be taken to be the happiest of the best in life Because I wanted to tell myself that I wanted to be saved every day I was cried by despair and was everyday I wanted to be saved so I could only think of death, so I will tell you what I need now.
Although it is roughly explanation, even if it tells a story tone, even if it explains in detail, it was only heavy and long, so in this clerical way, is it the best? Is it?

Thank you!!





・けど、”あなた”が感じてるのとまったく同量・同質の”苦しさ”・”辛さ”・”苦痛”を、偶然あなたの心の器に紛れ込んできた”もう一人の人”も感じて苦しんでいると 知ってほしい。




といわれても、今日中に あたしの魂、ウツのケモノに喰われ切られそうなんだけどー??




ex)自分たちの場合は”ウツのケモノ”の”喰らう機能”によって いったん統合⇒⇒その後”心の器”が拡張され、人格が再分岐(今の”くう”と”ゆう”)しました。たぶん、それが最適解だったんでしょうね。もう12年の付き合いですので、めちゃくちゃ安定してるっぽいです。


結論:大うつ病の一番底(カラダが完全に指先一本動かせない状態)からでも、この世の難易度程度なら 今が人生の絶好調で一番幸せだと感じられるくらいには持っていけるんだって、昔 絶望に蝕まれて毎日泣いてた毎日救われたくて助かりたくて死ぬことしか考えられなかった自分に伝えたかったので、今のあなたに必要事項を伝えときます。
めっちゃ説明ザックリとしか してないけど、物語調にしても細かく説明しても 重く長くなるだけだったので、こうして事務的に、が一番なのかな??


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