Mar 19, 2017

World Lolicon situation??

Where do Lolicon go??
We try to introduce Lolicon looked at Japan.

The coworkers whose shoulders were narrowed in the last article

· Dive in illegal Net Angra
· Go to legal 3 dimensions
· Go to legal 2 dimensions
· Illegally do something in three dimensions

Although I tried raising options, I did not see anyone talking about the neighborhood here so far, so I will explain them themselves.

Firstly from the definition of the word "loricone".
I often see a case misusing the vocabulary "Lolita" and "Lolicon"
· "Lolita" ⇒ Less than adults, a term referring to girls above junior high school students. Specifically, girls aged 13 to 18, junior high school girls and high school girls.
· "Rorikon" ⇒ "Lolita · Complex" stands for. Those who retained sexual preferences that are sexual targets for junior high school students or younger girls less than adults.

In cases such as often committing a criminal offense to female elementary school students and young girls

· To be exact, use the vocabulary "Pedofria"

In the diagnostic and statistical manual DSM-5 of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as Pedophilic Disorder
Criterion A: A strong sexually excited fantasy, sexual impulses, or behavior repeats with sexual intercourse with a pre-pubertal child or multiple children (usually under 11) over a period of at least 6 months.
Criterion B: These sexual impulses have been put into practice, or due to their sexual impulses or fantasies, they cause significant distress or interpersonal difficulties.
Criterion C: That person is at least 16 years old, at least 5 years older than the child falling under criterion A is older.

And there.


· Dive in illegal Net Angra

Although it was not able to be picked up in the ordinary general WWW network, in the Tor network in which the reverse detection is technically very difficult than the WWW in the first place, the Internet underground which the Google search engine can not catch up, in the world, Rorikons in the world Are gathered.
(Feeling that the mechanism of WikiLeaks was interactive)
By the way, every day the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol, Lupine the 3rd Qipei police officer was there), an undercover investigation with FBI and CIA, a massive caution ⇔ weak latent Itachi gesture has been ongoing for about 10 years is not it.
Sudden closure of the large Tor Loricom network is common in this area.

By the way, the Japanese police have only one case of detection related to the Tor network, and in a form in which the bank transfer has gotten stuck in the poor, technically competing against the Bitcoin · Tor network is not completed completely

By the way, since the IP sharing software which was popular around 2000 was certainly understandable, it seems that she was caught bashibashi.
At a child's pornographic (elementary school) elementary school's teacher's office and a male teacher who was arrested for the current crime, when hearing the story with too much going out, only a strange laughter came out.

· Go to legal 3 dimensions

A woman of a 20 year old (or 18 years old) lolly body type
Dolls / Dolls
Muslim country (Isil) (slave trade is legal)
Child marriage is legal Islamic countries · Middle East · India

· Go to legal 2 dimensions

You can mention youtube, manga, animation, 3DCG and so on.
It is amazing that youtube just needs a little head and the demand for it is still groaning in large quantities.
LO is a flag hand for rockers as it is comics. Even though it is ToLOVE or Grand Jump, it is extremely unpleasant to get erotic blatantly in a major magazine. If self-named rights organizations raise their voices and the publisher begins voluntary restrictions reading the public air, the most popular thing is eroticism for the rocket that I need most.
Taka, recently girls with low age of subjects such as doujinshi or general erotic comic books have advanced, and it seems that it will take voluntary restrictions and regulations of the administration at once at once if the incident happens in a relationship a little, it is really scary .

3DCG is too strong for animation. Technically, the same qua as live-action photography became possible, so we are worried that incidents that are mistaken for live-action may occur.
3DS - MAX, Zbrush area is very strong.
Price has come to bear, it has become a price that even the general public can get hands! It is!

· Illegally do something in three dimensions

After all it seems that the Riko system and the adoption system and neighborhood are recently popular in Japan.
Abuse of the Riko system is extremely severe (adoption adopts my child as a family register, so I can not replace it because I do not like it).
Is there another child care facility in a well-organized area?
Because there are no places to escape, I heard the story, it is not Egetsu.
It is really underneath as humans, such as cruelty to childless children (spiritual / sexual abuse) to powerless children.
Japan is also vertically divided administrative office work only, so there really is no way to relieve. It seems to be a little extra when the crown is above.

After that the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia were around trends a few years ago. The vultures gathered from all over the world and the Philippines also called Japanese players Lolicon as SM Play, killing two girls and the people of the Philippines were furious.
Hey, it seems you do not know the ordinary Japanese people who only watches television around here.

The other is Real Fist of the North Star Brazil, it is gray with the so-called "Hell Highway" but it is not problematic because there is no crackdown on the Brazilian government, is not it?
I do not really understand that country,rape tree ... ....

We are not familiar with the living things around ourselves, it is like this
...... Oh, and in Japan it has become popular recently, like "God wait" or "Rifure" (the shop selling in meltable medicine is stable a lot). I am not familiar with them a bit, but there is a problem with the primary school students' runaway,
Will this be a good reference for me when I am doing this near around,I think that.

But it's all your self-responsible!
Be careful!!!



・違法に3次元で 何かしでかす





米国精神医学会 (APA) の診断・統計マニュアルDSM-5では小児性愛障害 (Pedophilic Disorder) として
  • 規準A : 少なくとも6ヶ月間にわたり、思春期前の子どもまたは複数の子ども(通常11歳以下)との性行為に関する強烈な性的に興奮する空想、性的衝動、または行動が反復する。
  • 規準B : これらの性的衝動を実行に移したことがある、またはその性的衝動や空想のために著しい苦痛、または対人関係上の困難を引き起こしている。
  • 規準C : その人は少なくとも16歳で、基準Aに該当する子どもより少なくとも5歳は年長である。




んで、日々 国際刑事警察機構(インターポール、ルパン三世の銭形警部が居たとこw)とかFBIとかCIA達とのおとり捜査+大規模摘発⇔潜伏化 のイタチごっこがここ10年くらい継続してる感じですね。




イスラム国(Isil) (奴隷売買が合法)


youtubeだけでも ちょっと頭使うと大量にそっちの需要がまだ唸ってて驚きですね。


・違法に3次元で 何かしでかす

まったく後ろ盾ない子どもたちを権力をカサに虐待(精神的・性的虐待)とか、人間としては ほんとに下の下ですよ。


あとはリアル北斗の拳ブラジルとかで、通称 ”地獄のハイウェイ”でグレーだけどブラジル政府の取り締まりもないから 問題ない、みたいな感じでしょうかね??

この界隈ウロウロしてるとけっこう参考になるのかな?? とかおもいますね。


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